Moving on to a different app
After using this for a long time, Im done. The first annoyance was the Ticker X notification that pops up every time the app is opened. The next is the fact that you cant change the volume of the voice, which blasts out over any other audio source. The app also mutes its audio if you change the source of music youre listening to, e.g. from Spotify to streaming radio, which means that you need to restart your workout if you switch audio sources part way through. Which is another annoyance: not being able to skip sections of the workout if you need to restart the app or workout for some reason. Finally, I was midway through the new Glamour workout today, figuring Id try it, when I realized that some of the exercises were new and I didnt know what they were, so I paused the workout, only to find that I couldnt find the examples, nor go back to the Glamour workout once I left it.
Overall, basic usability concerns that seem like they could be easily fixed overshadow the benefits of what should be a simple, straightforward, effective app.
thursfrisat about
7 Minute Workout, v3.6.0